EXPLORE NOW Wholesome Organic Nutritious, pesticide-free, family favorite
vegetables & greens using state of art technology.
EXPLORE NOW Hydroponic Produce Smart, scientific farming techniques,
using state of art technology.
EXPLORE NOW Sustainable Ethic Efficient water use & energy conservation in
delivering the best quality produce.
EXPLORE NOW Future Ready Farm Future focused food solutions
in controlled environments


At BlueCrop®, we specialize in organic, sustainably farmed leafy greens and vegetables. Based out of Jaipur, Rajasthan, we combine innovative and traditional urban farming techniques such as hydroponics, drip irrigation, and energy efficient farming to get high quality local produce all year round.

Our Vision

We believe that eating healthy makes you live better.

And the Covid-19 pandemic has reinforced the value of a good foundation when it comes to health and nutrition. We have turned our family-run farm into a modern, sustainable farming venture specializing in immunity boosting greens and wholesome organic vegetables.

Our Mission

Our mission it to provide locally grown, toxin free, best quality produce to help you eat healthier and better. Every crop grown at Bluecrop is at the height of freshness, flavour and nutrition.

Product Store

We grow our produce without pesticides or chemicals and use potable water. Our state-of-the-art hydroponics farm is a carefully controlled facility offering a growing environment that maintains a high degree of hygiene and sanitization. This ensures optimum growing conditions for the freshest greens and vegetables for your table.

Local, sustainable, nutritious

At BlueCrop®, the greens and vegetables are grown near you, using innovative farming techniques, to give you the the produce which is at the height of freshness, flavor & nutrition.

Come, taste the difference!

No Soil

Water Saving

Fast Growth

Higher Yields

Less Disease

Less Pesticides

What is Hydroponics?

Simply put, Hydroponics is the method of growing plants without soil. Instead, the roots of the plant are exposed directly to water and a nutrient rich solution. This ensures more efficient nutrient absorption within each plant and ultimately, better growth and better quality produce.

There are various systems in the Hydroponic way of growing, depending on the type of crop intend to grow. Some of the systems are listed below:

  • NFT (Nutrient Film Technique)
  •  DWC (Deep Water Culture)
  • Wick Hydroponics
  • Ebb & Flow / Flood & Drain System
  • Drip Hydroponics
  • Aeroponics

Why Hydroponics?

Hydroponics right now is one of the most reliable ways to get clean food in India. Indian soil quality is not consistent, and soil often carries pests that require pesticides, and yield is dependent on climate and weather conditions, often causing damage or impacting quality of the produce. In addition, due to years and year of over farming the mineral elements are barely present in Indian soil and cause deficiency in the plants

This is completely avoided in Hydroponics. Hydroponics does not use soil and the farming takes place in the climate-controlled setting of a Poly-house. This, creates a very clean and hygienic environment.

Hydroponically grown plants are completely natural and mineral rich – the nutrient solution to grow our produce includes calcium, magnesium, sulfur, boron, cobalt, copper, iron, manganese, molybdenum and zinc (all essential, health boosting micro-nutrients). These are the exact same trace elements that can be found in good quality soil.

The Bluecrop Farm

Located a few kilometers from Jaipur, Rajasthan, our farm is a small-scale family run venture where we constantly supervise and oversee the produce – and eat it ourselves too!

Once ready, the produce is distributed to our local customers daily so they can get them when they are most fresh. This ‘fresh from the farm’ approach means that produce is filled with nutrients and wholesome goodness harvested just minutes away.

Farm visits and stays are a great way to engage with nature, understand where your vegetables are coming from and see how we work

Spend a day with the family growing and learning about the system or involve yourself with specific activities such as the seeding process, transplanting the saplings into the growing systems, etc.

Note: farm visits are currently unavailable due to Covid-19 restrictions. We will update the website when we open for visits again

Come visit us!

Write to us to book your visit or farm stay at BlueCrop® today

Or if you would like to engage yourself with activities for a couple of days or would like to stay for an extended time. We have wonderful rustic cottages that are fully functional with bathrooms and kitchens and can accommodate 4-6 guests.